Why designers need to take a Chill Pill

Designers are problem solvers. For this reason, it makes sense for us to flex our creative muscles, expand our imaginations, and engage in activities that plant seeds for new ideas.

Every Wednesday afternoon my team and I hold a creativity and play session. I dubbed these sessions Chill Pill.

Below includes highlights from some of our 2019 Chill Pill sessions.

Lego Challenge

Build an object based on a given theme. At the end of the time limit, team members guess what they are.

  • Tool: Lego blocks
  • Time: 5 minutes

Theme: Tech Companies

Representing companies through color and/or shape.

Lego Tech Companies
L → R | ↑ to ↓: Netflix, Spotify, Facebook, Foursquare, Medium, Angry Birds, Apple, Google.

Theme: Events in History

Historical events that are significant or memorable to our team members.

Lego Events in history
L → R | ↑ to ↓: Trojan Horse, Assassination of JFK, Fall of the Berlin Wall, First Flight by The Wright Brothers, Tank Man at Tiananmen Square, The passing of Stephen Hawking, 9/11, The discovery of Penicillin.

Theme: Movies

Representing film through color and/or shape.

Lego Movies
L → R | ↑ to ↓: Kill Bill, Back to the Future, Star Wars, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Star Trek, Cast Away, Spider-Man, Batman, Life of Pi

Cut & Paste Collage

Draw a teammate’s name from a hat. Create a collage portrait of him/her. At the end of the time limit, team members guess who they are.

  • Tools: old magazines, scissors, glue, and blank paper
  • Time: 10 minutes
Portraits of Tigerspike digital products and service designers


Turn as many circles as possible into recognisable objects within the time limit.

  • Tools: pens and pencils, paper with printed circles
  • Time: 3 minutes

Non-Dominant Hand Sketches

Use your non-dominant hand to sketch objects.

  • Tools: 3–5 different objects, blank paper, markers
  • Time: 5 minutes


Reimagine a new use for a designated object. At the end of the time limit, team members explain their repurposes.

  • Tools: any common use object, blank paper, markers, pens, pencils
  • Time: 3 minutes
A paintbrush and pair of funky glasses repurposed.

Master Artist

Recreate works of art by the masters in 3D.

  • Tools: blank paper, markers, scissors, tape
  • Time: 10 minutes
Bedroom in Arles, Vincent van Gogh
Bedroom in Arles, Vincent van Gogh

On the surface, our Chill Pill sessions are playful, fun and, for a few minutes every Wednesday, shift us out of task mode.

Looking a few levels deeper, Chill Pill activities are selected to elicit different thinking, imagine new applications for existing solutions, and view situations from various perspectives.

How does your organization nurture creativity?

Which activities do you suggest we try next?

Why designers need to take a Chill Pill
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